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Welcome to the website of Studio Marty

Thank you for visiting the website of Studio Marty.
In this Support page, we will answer your questions about Studio Marty.


Here we answer to your inquiries about the studio and access to the Studio Marty Osaka Honmachi.

Information on the studio facility

This is information of the studio facility. We answer to your inquiries about the studio capacity and utilization.

Class Types ・ Criterion of levels

We will answer to your inquiries about class types and levels.
We will introduce our instructors and their lessons especially open classes and adult ballet classes.

About schedule and price system

We gather up inquiries about schedule and price systems and are introducing various patterns.

About studio hours and closing days

We gather up inquiries about the studio hours, closing days, cancellations of classes, and substitute classes.

Other information and inquiries about utilization

We gather up other frequently asked inquiries such as about studio utilization.